Exploring Language Acquisition: The Role of Native Language Interference in ESL Learners





Native Language Interference, Second Language Acquisition, ESL Learners


This article explores the impact of native language (L1) interference on English as a Second Language (ESL) learners, focusing on how learners' linguistic backgrounds influence their ability to acquire English language skills. By examining data collected from learners of varying L1 backgrounds, the study identifies common types of interference—such as grammatical, phonological, and syntactical errors—that frequently occur during the language acquisition process. The findings highlight significant patterns of interference, especially among learners from different language families, such as Romance, Germanic, and Sino-Tibetan. This research also considers the proficiency levels of learners and how these levels affect the degree of native language interference. The article further discusses the implications of L1 interference for ESL teaching methods, proposing targeted pedagogical strategies that address specific interference patterns. These insights aim to help ESL educators develop more effective teaching approaches that minimize the negative effects of L1 interference and enhance language acquisition outcomes for learners from diverse linguistic backgrounds.


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How to Cite

Alisoy, H. (2024). Exploring Language Acquisition: The Role of Native Language Interference in ESL Learners. Journal of Azerbaijan Language and Education Studies, 1(1), 50-66. https://doi.org/10.69760/jales.2024.00105